
> userlocks is just a very thin interface to functionality that's really in
> the backend. What's left in contrib/userlock probably isn't even
> copyrightable in any case. The best bet is probably to re-implement it in
> the backend directly.
> Removing it certainly isn't a good idea; the functionality is important.

Hmm.  It needs to be re-written from scratch then so that we can remove the 
GPL, or if you can get an attorney to say it's not copyrightable ...

> (It doesn't "rely on per-record OIDs" either.)

Ah, I misread the code then.  It still seems like application code to me, but 
I'll happily admit to not really understanding it.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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