
> > No, it means the distributors are illegally distributing software they
> > don't have permission to distribute.  The GPL doesn't make everything
> > else GPL right away, that's a myth.

I'm not talking out of my hat here.   I consulted a staff member of the FSF 
about it (will give name as soon as I sort through my business cards from 
the conference).  According to him, if someone builds PostgreSQL with a 
GPL contrib module, then all of *their copy* of PostgreSQL becomes GPL.

While there is nothing illegal about this, it is would not be desirable for 
most PostgreSQL users and they would be absolutely right to be mad at us 
for building a "licensing booby trap" into /contrib.

> That's what I would recommend if we cant them relicensed.

I will point out that all three "GPL" modules are currently unmaintained.   
I don't know that anyone has seen Massimo in years.  Simply dropping them 
seems the easiest answer.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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