Gavin, People,

> I'm wondering if effort is being misdirected here. I remember when Mark
> Wong at OSDL was running pg_autovacuum during a dbt run, he was seeing
> significant performance loss -- I think on the order of 30% to 40% (I will
> try and dig up a link to the results).

It wasn't quite that bad, and the automated DBT2 is deceptive; the test 
doesn't run for long enough for *not* vacuuming to be a problem.  For a real 
test, you'd need to do a 24-hour, or 48-hour DBT2 run.

Not that I don't agree that we need a less I/O intense alternative to VACUUM, 
but it seems unlikely that we could actually do this, or even agree on a 
spec, before feature freeze.  Wheras integrated AV is something we *could* 
do, and is widely desired.

If we do integrated AV, it should only be turned on by default at a relatively 
low level.  And wasn't there an issue on Windows with AV not working?

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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