On Mon, 27 Jun 2005, Neil Conway wrote:

> Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > It is required by the SQL standard.
> No, it isn't -- PL/PgSQL is not defined by the SQL standard. I guess 
> you're referring to SQL/PSM, but that has only a passing resemblance to 
> PL/PgSQL. Implementing SQL/PSM in some form would definitely be worth 
> doing (especially now that MySQL have), but I haven't seen any plans to 
> do that by adapting PL/PgSQL to SQL/PSM.

PL/pgSQL is different language than SQL/PSM and is little bit nonsenc 
adapting them to SQL/PSM. PL/SQL live still - Oracle did some enhancing, 
and we can do it too. 

Some parts both languages are similar and some enough different. I had 
plan start develop new interpret for SQL/PSM two years ago, but I hadn't 
knowleages at that time. Situation is different now. If anybody wont to 
work on SQL/PSM  I will go too. Solution is another pl - pl/psm. We can 
adapt gram.y plpgsql to psm

Pavel Stehule

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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