Dear Bruno,

The standard talks about 2 distinct concepts: USER and ROLE (4.34). I'm
not sure it is a good idea to drop the user concept to replace it by role.
If you do so, you may miss something about what roles are about.

I think it is a good idea to make users synonymous with roles with
regard to privileges. This will make checking for access simpler
and mistakes less likely. The special part of being a user in addition
to a role is that being a user allows for authentication.

There are two distinct issues : implementation and design/feature.

I'm arguing on the feature, as I wish per-catalog ROLEs, which cannot be
fused with per-cluster USERs.

I agree with you that the current implementation for a per-cluster role is very reasonnable or even witty. It just does not provide the feature I'm looking for, namely managing privileges locally to a database, without
interference from one database to another.


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