On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Oliver Jowett wrote:

Heikki Linnakangas wrote:

branch id: Branch Identifier. Every RM involved in the global
transaction is given a *different* branch id.

Hm, I am confused then -- the XA spec definitely talks about enlisting
multiple RMs in a single transaction branch.

Can you explain?

I oversimplified a bit. The TM *can* enlist multiple threads of control (= connection in JTA) to the same transaction branch. That's called "tightly-coupled threads", and they should then be treated as one local transaction in the RM. The calls will look like this:

conn1.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS);
conn2.start(xid1, TMJOIN);
conn1.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS);
conn2.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS);

connX.commit(xid1, false);

conn1 and conn2 must share locks and see each others changes. They mustn't deadlock each other. The JDBC driver can implement this in a very straight-forward way by using the same physical connection for both conn1 and conn2. Note that there's only one prepare, and it can be issued using any connection.

The other possibility is called "loosely-coupled threads". In this case the calls look like this:

conn1.start(xid1, TMNOFLAGS);
conn2.start(xid2, TMNOFLAGS);
conn1.end(xid1, TMSUCCESS);
conn2.end(xid2, TMSUCCESS);
connX.commit(xid1, false);
connX.commit(xid2, false);

xid1 and xid2 can belong to the same global transaction, but different branches. The RM doesn't need to care both branches belong to the same global transactions, xid1 and xid2 can be treated just like any random two transactions. They can deadlock each other, and they won't see each others changes before commit. This can be implemented in the JDBC driver by using two physical connections.

So the example given earlier in this thread, with one transaction branch but two prepare-calls makes no sense. The RM should throw an exception if the TM calls start twice with the same XID, and TMJOIN flag is not given. One transaction branch maps in 1:1 fashion to one RM local transaction.

I hope this helps...

- Heikki

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