On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:21:56 -0700
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> > Josh, is this something that could be done in the performance lab?
> That's the idea.   Sadly, OSDL's hardware has been having critical failures 
> of 
> late (I'm still trying to get test results on the checkpointing thing) and 
> the GreenPlum machines aren't up yet.

I'm on the verge of having a 4-way opteron system with 4 Adaptec 2200s
scsi controllers attached to eight 10-disk 36GB arrays ready.  I believe
there are software tools that'll let you reconfigure the luns from linux
so you wouldn't need physical access.  Anyone want time on the system?


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