James William Pye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The point is to give client authors the ability to authoritatively
> resolve ambiguity that may exist in multiversion supporting clients and
> to do so without any version specific code(or at a minimum wrt older
> servers) or fingerprinting of any sort.

Had we had such a facility from the beginning, it would indeed have that
benefit.  But unless you are going to start out by dropping client-side
support for all extant server versions, you will not get any such
benefit; you'll still need retry code.  So I still think this isn't
really worth the trouble it would take to implement.

Also, you keep referring to caching the result on the client side and
re-using it across multiple connections --- but you can do that now,
so why is that an argument in favor?

                        regards, tom lane

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