Mark, all:

> > So your databases would listen on 5433, 5434, etc and the proxy would
> > listen on 5432 and route everything properly.  If a particular cluster
> > is not up, the proxy could just error out the connection.
> >
> > Hmm, that'd be fun to write if I ever find the time...
> It is similar to a proxy, yes, but that is just part of it. The setup
> and running of these systems should all be managed.

Per my earlier comment, this really seems like an obvious extension of 
pgPool, or Sequoia if you're a java geek.  No need to re-invent the wheel.

In terms of the PostgreSQL Core, though, Mark, it sounds like you're 
treating the symptoms and not the causes.   What you really need is a way 
to load a large database very quickly (in binary form or otherwise) 
without downing the cluster.  This is a generally desired feature that has 
been discussed several times on this list, and you could get general 
agreement on easily.

The feature you proposed is a way to make your idiosyncratic setup easier 
to manage, but doesn't apply to anyone else's problems on this list, so 
you're going to have a hard time drumming up enthusiasm.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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