Magnus Hagander wrote:

The solution would be put --restrictedexec earlier on the
new command
line. I'll work on that.
The probem is apparently the one I identified above, and is fixed by the attached patch, which I will apply soon unless there are objections.

As for why we saw this on loris but not snake, I suspect they might have different getopt libraries installed.

Isn't that just fixing the symptom and not the actual bug? In this case,
if we cause the bug, we should do this as well, but doesn't it crash the
same way if you *manually* put arguments in the "wrong order" on the
commandline? Like "inidb foo --no-locale" or somehting like that?

(I still can't reproduce it on my machines, so I guess I have a better
getopt as well.)

We don't promise that you can put the pgdata argument anywhere except at the end of the command line. In fact, our manual page requires it at the end. Even on systems with GNU getopt, if POSIXLY_CORRECT is set then processing would stop at the first non-getopt argument.

So I can live with bombing, even if it's a bit unpleasant, in the case of "initdb foo --no-locale", but we cannot *cause* that by appending a secret argument ourselves, so that "initdb foo" also bombs.

The logic to detect and correct this in the general case before getopt is called is not worth the pain.



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