> >> PostgreSQL will also not recover on its own (e.g; auto restart and 
> >> roll through the logs).
> > 
> > What do you mean by this? It doesn't start upon reboot? 
> What is needed 
> > to make it start?
> It means that postgresql doesn't recover on its own. On linux 
> if a backend crashes all of PostgreSQL will restart and come 
> back up if it can.
> On Win32 it doesn't.

Ah, I thought you meant that the database recovery process (that runs
after a crash) failed and lost data. But it's not data-loss then, it
just took a reboot to fix it?

I think we're somehow seeing a complete postmaster hang, where it's
either not able to kill off th ebackends as required, or just not
capable of accepting new connections after that. Which makes a
stacktrace from the postmaster the most interesting one to look at.


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