I apologize for not paying more attention to this thread.  Visual
feedback in the browser is very much appreciated, and you seem to be
doing a very nice job!  Had I been paying attention, I'd have said
things like the following:

(1) Red is probably not the best choice to have lurking on the screen. 
Maroon/purple/clay rose or just about any "muted" or muddy red IMHO is a
much better choice for most things.  It might help to add a small amount
of blue to the greens too for the same reason.  I recommend trying for
the psychological benefit with as little eye strain potential as

(2) For collections, consider something like a circle drawn a few times
from right to left to give an overlapping effect, maybe ... thrown in
there if there is room.

(3) For exceptions, I like the icon, but two concerns: it might be a
little faint/bland; it might work better if its implied movement were
upward.  Dolphin 5 uses an explosion icon in some situations.  That
might work well for exceptions and errors.  

(4) Do we have any color blind people among us?  IIRC, something around
12-14% of the population is affected to some degree, so we will
encounter it.  The test icons will be lost on some of the more extreme
red/green sufferers.  An alternative would be a boxed check, X or ?. 
The box (or other border shape) being the suggestion of the test, and
the symbol indicating the state.  It is fine to add color too, but we
should give the red/green crowd a way to see what is going on.

Not meaning to jab anyone in the eye, the Installer script is just the
kind of thing I'd hope to be able to exchange in situations like this. 
I do not care so much that it is Installer that we use, but _something_
that can cope with the various publication methods and cope with the
details is much needed.


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Tel: (352) 273-6785
FAX: (352) 392-7029

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