Hello all,

I grabbed 10183, hacked it into a one-click image on my Ubuntu box at
home, and found the Polymorph is indeed in the image.  Frankly, I
suspect I might have missed it once before, possibly mistaking the
watery theme for the default look.  It's great to see it included.

As Pharo 1.0 takes shape, what is the plan for getting packages loaded
the way each of us wants?  Is Installer the preferred route?  Would I be
expected to script it (I find myself hoping so - load the latest of
this, that, specific version of this other thing, etc.)?  I tried to
quickly load Shout and the SM package loader was not happy, but that
could easily be my fault.

More questions and comments, but first, I need to get some overdue

Congratulations and thanks all around!


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Tel: (352) 273-6785
FAX: (352) 392-7029

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