
Space to sides of the buttons??  Perhaps unrelated, but I have been thinking of 
something similar while poking at Damien's recent dev image.

Bottom line, I switched to Soft Squeak and was pleased to see that the OB 
buttons didn't look quite as (pardon me) UGLY<g> (sorry, but that needed to be 
said) as they did not long ago.  It's getting quite nice.  The problem was not 
the buttons so much as an awkward combination of shape, size and mismatching 
background color behind them.  It would help even more to "do the same thing to 
the code buttons that has been done to the classes buttons."  I hope that makes 
some sense.  Take a look at the browser in soft squeak.  Note two rows of 
buttons "in the middle."  The upper row looks nicer than the lower row; a tweak 
of background color would help a lot, I think??

Soft squeak is a nice theme, and (I assume OB changes) have helped it a lot; it 
was hard on the eyes for a little while.  In replying to something not long 
ago, you mentioned the range of themes and how they differ in color handling.  
In particular, Soft Squeak lets the tool colors show through.  I have an idea 
for using that to advantage.  The clay rose tint to the debugger is great - it 
does just the right psychological thing without being too strong.  The browser 
color could be nicer; of course it can be set, but I think we should find 
another default.  I recall playing with blues some time ago, but it can't be 
too strong due to the label text color.   Anybody have any ideas?

While I might be setting us up for even more drawing and a speed hit (ignore 
this if you fear that), it might be nice to render the tool-specific title bar 
icon in the task bar.  That way, we could use the same color for browsers and 
workspaces, and still have them stand out by icon.  The debugger would keep its 
color, as might the preference browser and other "special purpose" tools.

Just some ideas.  Thanks for the great work!


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

Tel: (352) 273-6785
FAX: (352) 392-7029

>>> 02/10/09 8:25 AM >>>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damien Pollet" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Call for UI gripes

> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 17:58, Bill Schwab <> wrote:
>> I suppose I could suggest replacing some of the button bars with more 
>> compact iconic toolbars.  Things like debugging over, into, etc. lend 
>> themselves well to that.  The world menu will not make much sense if we 
>> ever get one window per shell.
> it was probably already said, but could the other buttons in the
> browser use the squarish buttons from the task bar rather than the
> current rounded ones that waste a bit of space ?

At present the space to the sides must be reserved as the rounded state of 
the buttons is not known at the time of creation/initial-layout.
I'll have a go at making it more adaptable.

>> The biggest concern I have right now is speed.  I'm not saying Pharo is 
>> too slow; I'm simply admitting that I do not know whether it is fast 
>> enough for some of the things I want to do.
> Agreed. Actually I'm wondering if a very sleek minimalistic theme
> would be nice* flat colors, simple lines, very limited complicated
> stuff like gradients or shaders* provided the typography, widget
> spacing, and color choices are done with taste, I think it can look
> quite nice, and would even be more usable than a more flashy theme.
> -- 
> Damien Pollet
> type less, do more [ | ]
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