----- "Dale Henrichs" <dale.henri...@gemstone.com> wrote:

| I made a blood sacrifice to the OB gods yesterday and they led me to
| an acceptable (initial) implementation of a chasing inspector:)
| The code is in OB-Tools-dkh.66 (make sure you've loaded
| OmniBrowser-dr.442 as well). It'll need a couple more sacrifices to
| the OB gods before it's really ready (primarily reducing the text pane
| screen real estate), but you can take it for a spin, if you're
| interested:
|     OTChasingInspector openOn: {
|         #key->('Smalltalk'->Smalltalk). 
|         Dictionary with: #blue->'1' with: #green->'2' }.
| I'll be using it in GLASS, but if there's interest in a Pharo/Squeak
| version I'll make sure to keep it up to snuff.

Use OB-Tools-dkh.72, for a better preview ... switches work correctly, 
doitContext is correct, and the relative pane sizes adjusted...'chase' menu 
item in inspector will bring up a chasing inspector, added 'explore' and 
several browsing methods to the inspector...

I want to use this for a couple more days before turning it loose, but feedback 
is welcomed.


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