
What image did the changes come from? Presumably there are also changes that 
have been made to the pharo image that are not compatible with the new code ... 

I've 'fixed' the obvious problems in the changes that were in the install 
changeSet, but that didn't fix the 'step into' problem...

In order to straighten things out, it may be necessary to review code on both 

----- "Stéphane Ducasse" <> wrote:

| ok probably because we could not check all the code unfortunately.
| So changes between 3.9 and pharo may have been supplanted by the  
| closure changes.
| On Apr 4, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| > I've started taking a look at the problem reported by Michael
| Roberts.
| >
| > I got slightly different misbehavior using the 10259- 
| > ClosureBootstrap download on linux than reported by Michael, but in 
| > checking things out I discovered that the code in the Debugger for 
| > the *Core* downloads is different from the *dev* downloads.
| >
| > For example the source for Debugger>>selectedMessageName in the  
| > *Core* image (10259-ClosureBootstrap) is:
| >    selectedMessageName
| >     "Answer the message selector of the currently selected context.
| >      If the method is unbound we can still usefully answer its old  
| > selector."
| >
| >     | selector |
| >     selector := self selectedContext methodSelector.
| >     ^(selector ~~ self selectedContext method selector
| >         and: [selector beginsWith: 'DoIt'])
| >             ifTrue: [self selectedContext method selector]
| >             ifFalse: [selector]
| >
| > and I get a DNU for #methodSelector. On the other hand in the *dev* 
| > image (pharo0.1-10259dev09.03.3) the source is:
| >    selectedMessageName
| >     "Answer the message selector of the currently selected context."
| >
| >     ^self selectedContext selector
| >
| > When I looked at the Pharo0.1Core-10259 image, the source is  
| > identical to the pharo0.1-10259dev09.03.3, so the Closure changeset 
| > is apparently introducing some 'unwanted' changes to the Debugger  
| > (and perhaps elsewhere?).
| >
| > Dale
| >
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