I have used an FTP connection for Monticello in several different  
versions of the vm: 3.9, 3.10.2, and now the closure-vm with Cassou's  
dev-image from last week with no updates -- i cut-n-pasted the mouse  
fixes for the mac after that first note. Images used for 3.9 and 3.10  
included both Pharo and straight-up Squeak.  (There is a chance I used  
it under 3.8, but... I am not certain.)

Oh, my Mac work has all be in the last three weeks, starting with a  
Core image 3 weeks ago.

Let me get into the debugger...
Socket>>connectTo: hostAddress port: port
        "Initiate a connection to the given port at the given host address.
        Waits until the connection is established or time outs."
        NetNameResolver useOldNetwork
                ifTrue: [self connectTo: hostAddress port: port  
waitForConnectionFor: Socket standardTimeout]
                ifFalse: [
                        hostAddress port: port.
                        self connectTo: hostAddress]
Host address is an instance of SocketAddress for me.

The stack is:
SocketStream class>>openConnectionToHost:port:
FTPClient class(ProtocolClient class)>>openOnHost:port:
FTPClient class(ProtocolClient class)>>openOnHostNamed:port:

And the code for the latter is...
FTPClient class(ProtocolClient class)>>
openOnHostNamed: hostName port: portNumber
        | serverIP |
        serverIP := NetNameResolver addressForName: hostName timeout: 20.
        ^self openOnHost: serverIP port: portNumber

So... I would test that message to NetNameResolve in a workspace.  
Also, SocketStream openConnectionToHost: self host port: self port  
(see FTPClient>>ensureConnection).

Good luck.

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