El dom, 09-08-2009 a las 10:29 -0700, Dale Henrichs escribió:

>   - Package to package dependencies. One can declare required packages
> like the 
>     following:
>       'Example-Core-anon.9'
>       'Example-Tests-anon.3' requires: 'Example-Core'
>       'Example-AddOn-anon.1' requires: 'Example-Tests'
>       'Example-UI-anon.1'    requires: { 'OB'. 'Example-AddOn'. }
>     From the above statements, the package load order is derived and used 
> when you
>     load the project:
>       (ExampleProject version: '0.3') load
>     It is also used to determine _which_ packages should be loaded when an 
>     expression like the following is executed:
>       (ExampleProject version: '0.3') load: 'Example-AddOn'
>     This statement causes 'Example-Core-anon.9', 'Example-Tests-anon.3', 
>     'Example-AddOn-anon.1' to be loaded in order.

This is very good, one thing that the package management system of
Debian has is that you can indicate a minimal version for a required

for example, following your code snippet:

'Example-Tests-anon.3' requires: 'Example-Core' minVersion: 9
'Example-AddOn-anon.1' requires: 'Example-Tests' minVersion: 1 maxVersion: 3
'Example-UI-anon.1'    requires: { 'OB' . 'Example-AddOn'. }

This way, the package system doesn't have to install a exact version if a group 
versions of the package required can equally work. This permits to have a 
package, say
5 of a package that have a new feature that I need in my image and not be 
overwrote by
a dependency of other package that needs exactly version 3 that doesn't have 
the feature
that I need.

Maybe Metacello has this functionality, but if not, it would be, I think, easy 
to add it,
just a comparation that the version available in the system meets the criteria 
stated by
the package dependency.

Also, a form to force the install a package even if not all the dependencies 
are met is good, 
in particular to test some experimental package.

For more information you can refer to the dpkg/deb/aptitude tools in the debian 
Of course that tools do a lot more but we don't need, at least for now, all the 


All of them are GPL but I think that a new implementation, without use the 
code, and in another
language, using only the ideas, is permited and can be integrated in Pharo as 
MIT code.

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