On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Ross Boylan <r...@biostat.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> In the system browser I have PRAjaxSearchWidget>>renderContentOn:
> selected.  When I hit the "implementors" button, or when I highlight a
> method name in the body of renderContentOn: and hit alt-m, I only get
> implementors of renderContentOn:.
> Is it supposed to work this way?  Is there a convenient way to get a
> list of all the methods in body of renderContentOn:, and pick one to see
> its implementors (as in vanilla squeak, at least 3.10).
> I'm working with Pier-1.2.app.zip downloaded a few days ago from the
> Pier site.  Running on Linux.

The list of messages sent in a method only appears in some browsers
and not others (this is a choice of Colin and/or Lukas who don't like
this list IIRC). So, if you can't live without this list, you have to
install the O2-based browsers. Since it's a bit tricky, I advise you
to use the latest Pharo web (http://pharo-project.org/pharo-download)
and change the default browser (click on the top-right icon of any
browser and 'Choose new default Browser').


Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry

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