Hi list,

consider this code:

c := Compiler compile: 'meth "bla"  ^ 2'.

Here, c will be set to the symbol #meth. And Compiler will be added a
new method "meth".

This is of course counter-intuitive, but it's kind of wired into the
system. Behavior>compile: does certainly more than compile. It
compiles the code and adds it to itself, then returns the methodName
as a symbol. Without mirrors, it's hard to do it right, though.

Also, there's an easy method to add a method to a class, but no easy
method to get a CompiledMethod object. I don't want to strongly
advocate for my change, I just want to offer it. Here's what I did in
my system:

I changed Compiler>compile: to do the following:
class side:

compile: aString onClass: aClass
        ^ self new compiledMethodFor: aString onClass: aClass

instance side:

compiledMethodFor: textOrStream onClass: aClass

        | methodNode method |
        class := aClass.
        self from: textOrStream class: class context: nil notifying: nil.
        methodNode := self translate: sourceStream noPattern: false ifFail:
[^self error: 'Compilation failed'].
        method := methodNode generate: #(0 0 0 0).
        self interactive ifTrue:
                [method := method copyWithTempsFromMethodNode: methodNode].

This has its own problem, like: compile: suddenly has different
semantics on Compiler than anywhere else. Best might be renaming
Behavior>compile: to something more intuitive. Like



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