As an FYI... for those using Metacello...

In Metacello you can arrange to override the repositories used for loading ... 
useful in cases where servers are down or offline/not accessible for other 
reasons ...saves you from having to edit configurations ... 

I use the override for creating a repository from scratch (bootstrapping from a 
local disk-based repositories) when the configurations that I'm using reference 
the public HTTP repositories.


----- "Wilhelm K Schwab" <> wrote:

| Adrian,
| You are correct, it does contain them (thanks for mentioning that). 
| Saving my own copies _is_ a problem, but fortunately I do not need to
| do so.
| How do you enforce local loads?  Do you insist on downloading
| everything yourselves, or do you have some type of lazy download with
| cancel capability?  In an ideal world, I would hope to see a tool that
| tries to download the latest versions, shows progress toward same, and
| accepts user interaction to head off a hopeless situation like today. 
| If the user cancels the download, then there would be an option to
| install from the local repository.
| Bill
| -----Original Message-----
| From:
| [] On Behalf Of
| Adrian Lienhard
| Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 2:31 PM
| To:
| Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] Not a disaster (this time)
| Hi Bill,
| At and Cmsbox we have the rule that all projects have to
| be completely loadable from our own MC repository. I suggest to do the
| same for the reasons you mention below. You never know what happens to
| external resources...
| Storing a local copy with MC should not be a problem. Actually, the
| package-cache folder should already contain the file.
| Cheers,
| Adrian
| On Nov 9, 2009, at 19:54 , Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
| > Hello all,
| >
| > I am trying to be a good tester, and have been shot in the foot now
| > for a couple of days.  That's no great loss, but a similar set of 
| > circumstances could be very ugly in the future.  My ailing build 
| > process for RC1 is thwarted by's being 
| > offline.  Imagine a deadline (paying customer, mission-critical
| gizmo, 
| > grant submission - whatever haunts you) and being stuck.
| >
| > I have even tried to save the FFI packages locally, and that seems
| to 
| > go haywire over talking to the server.  Having chosen the package
| name 
| > and a local repository, I would expect MC to take the code it has 
| > locally and save it to my local drive, but apparently that's not
| what 
| > it does.
| >
| > There is no need for urgent action (this is only a drill<g>), but 
| > there should be some redundancy in where the code is stored, and MC
| > should not prevent my saving code I already have to my local drive. 
| > There isn't (at least not that I can find), and it does :(
| >
| > Bill
| >
| >
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