In the google issues list, one can add a column called "Fixed" and a version 
can be supplied for the value of that field (like Version or Milestone) when 
the bug is fixed ... I think this is what Tim is getting at. I've just done 
this for Metacello, since I think it is a good idea:)

----- "Tim Mackinnon" <> wrote:

| Hi guys - I noticed there was a new 9.11.4 release since buenos aires
| - and I got to wondering what issues have been resolved in it (as I am
| trying to follow Pharo by example - I am trying to test out features
| to see if they work as I progress through the material).
| Anyway - is there a list of issues fixed marked against each new
| version? I can see the list at:
| - but it doesn't list any
| build numbers - just milestone 1.1?
| Tim
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