I tried to use toolbuilder to open tools like the changeSorter and I always got 
a rather small 
window. So I checked in Squeak and the buildPluggableWindow method is different
Should we integrate this changes?


buildPluggableWindow: aSpec
        | widget children label |
        aSpec layout == #proportional ifFalse:[
                "This needs to be implemented - probably by adding a single 
pane and then the rest"
                ^self error: 'Not implemented'.
        widget := PluggableStandardWindow new.
        self register: widget id: aSpec name.
        widget model: aSpec model.
        (label := aSpec label) ifNotNil:[
                label isSymbol 
                        ifTrue:[widget getLabelSelector: label]
                        ifFalse:[widget setLabel: label]].
        children := aSpec children.
        children isSymbol ifTrue:[
                widget getChildrenSelector: children.
                widget update: children.
                children := #().
        widget closeWindowSelector: aSpec closeAction.
        panes := OrderedCollection new.
        self buildAll: children in: widget.
-       aSpec extent ifNotNil:[widget extent: aSpec extent].
+       self buildHelpFor: widget spec: aSpec. 
+       widget bounds: (RealEstateAgent 
+               initialFrameFor: widget 
+               initialExtent: (aSpec extent ifNil:[widget initialExtent])
+               world: self currentWorld).
        widget setUpdatablePanesFrom: panes.

A related question is do we get rid of the method creation that do not rely on 
I think that it would make sense.


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