
I have the impression that it would be good that we have a way to specify that 
either a UI feedback 
should be standalone or that it can be standalone if not invoked when another 
ui feedback tasks place (in such a case it can be part of the previous line.

I was trying to reduce the stack of progressbar we have during the update
        Utilities creates one for number of CS. (I removed it in 11306 as an 
        NewChangeSetfromStream create the empty one
        Then MC 
        Then HTTP protocol

So what would be nice is a way to control that without having to know the 
context is which a feedback is sent.
Does any of you have an idea: because I'm not satisfied with the removal in the 
Utilities for CS

<<inline: Screen shot 2010-04-05 at 10.22.24 AM.png>>

Right now 

        ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: val makes sure that the feedback 
is made as show below with defaultMorphicAction

        | result progress |
        progress := SystemProgressMorph label: progressTitle min: minVal max: 
        [[result := workBlock value: progress] on: ProgressNotification do: 
                ex extraParam isString 
                        ifTrue: [SystemProgressMorph uniqueInstance labelAt: 
progress put: ex extraParam].
                ex resume]] ensure: [SystemProgressMorph close: progress].
        self resume: result

We can use sendNotificaton to change that 

ProgressInitiationException>>sendNotificationsTo: aNewBlock

        self resume: (
                workBlock value: [ :barVal |
                        aNewBlock value: minVal value: maxVal value: barVal])

But 'Loading....' 
                displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
                from: 0
                to: self size
                        [:bar | 

Create a ProgressInitiationException...

displayProgressAt: aPoint from: minVal to: maxVal during: workBlock 
        "Display this string as a caption over a progress bar while workBlock 
is evaluated.

        EXAMPLE (Select next 6 lines and Do It)
        'Now here''s some Real Progress'
                displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
                from: 0 to: 10
                during: [:bar |
                1 to: 10 do: [:x | bar value: x.
                                (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait]].

        HOW IT WORKS (Try this in any other language :-)
        Since your code (the last 2 lines in the above example) is in a block,
        this method gets control to display its heading before, and clean up 
        the screen after, its execution.
        The key, though, is that the block is supplied with an argument,
        named 'bar' in the example, which will update the bar image every 
        it is sent the message value: x, where x is in the from:to: range."

                display: self
                at: aPoint 
                from: minVal 
                to: maxVal 
                during: workBlock

So is it me or the design above (which I like) is not smart enough so that we 
do not have to consider to change 
a display:....during into a ProgressNotification signal: '' extra: val to be 
sure that we do not stack progress bar.

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