Hi Stef,

No you are not :).

I also mentioned once two more issues:
- Enter should not trigger completion because it interferes with code formatting. I would only keep tab as a means to trigger completion and to select something - right now, when pressing the down key because you saw a good completion item in the second position there is a visible delay because the ECompletion is triggered. ECompletion should either be integrated in the OCompletion directly, or should be triggered only when we hit the bottom of the three items. In the current form, having the completion item in the second position is almost as bad as not having it at all.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to look into these issues, but I can offer testing :)


On 25 Apr 2010, at 15:45, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

Hi romain

Often when I edit code, the completion works well but I end up been forced to delete part of the text manually.
Here is the scenario

        classDefinedSelector foo...

        Then I type meta
        the system proposes me metaclassDefinedSelector
        I type enter

        and I get

        metaclassDefinedSelector classDefinedSelector foo

        so I have to remove by hand classDefinedSelector.

So it would be good if we could eat the current text when doing the substitution.

Am I the only one getting such behavior?

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