On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Ramon Leon <ramon.l...@allresnet.com> wrote:
>  Ruby
> seems to have a style where you can send just about anything to a method and
> it tries to figure out what to do based on the type of the arg, they like
> magic and the smaller API; Smalltalk tends to just have a dozen different
> but similarly named methods that let you accomplish the same thing.

I like that analysis.

>  so yes I like...
> ('hello' from: 2 toFromEnd: 2) should = 'ell'


> I really don't want to learn 10 different ways to use #at:, I'd rather see
> 10 similarly named methods each doing it one way that look like they're all
> variations of a theme.

That's a valid stand point to take. I guess, at some point you just
need to choose what your use cases are / what your audience is.

You can get all the positions of c that differ from a, in Matlab:


In smalltalk, this could be something like:

c at: (a differencesVectorWith: c).



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