---- On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 03:32:18 -0700 Stéphane Ducasse  wrote ---- 

>So this is ok :) 
>What I would love in my wildest dream is to have magnitude using TComparable 
>But this may be too complex. 
>I would like to have the time to check how we can make trait implementation 
>leaner, smaller..... 

Actually, if you change Magnitude's class definition to this:

Object subclass: #Magnitude
        uses: TComparable
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Kernel-Numbers'

and then manually remove its "comparing" and "testing" messages, everything 
seems to work. (Same number of passed/failed tests in "KernelTests-Numbers" as 
before ) But I could see this potentially causing build issues.

Also, Magnitude's "testing" messages, despite what their category name implies, 
do not return booleans; instead they return other Magnitudes. I have 
recategorized those messages (#min:, #max:, and #min:max:) in TComparable under 
"comparing" in the attached fileout.

Attachment: TComparable2.st
Description: Binary data

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