On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 02:24:37PM -0400, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
> Hello all,
> I recalled seeing mention of the Linux vm's now supporting named ports, and I 
> found the code for that, at least in the vm.  My understanding gets fuzzy as 
> we enter the plugin and primitives.  At a minimum, there are a few ByName 
> methods to be added, and Squeak 4.1 contains open and close methods that test 
> on type (int vs. string) to open or close by name or not as appropriate.
> Is this as simple as gathering the changes and adding them to Pharo, or does 
> it require VMMaker magic?


I don't have a Pharo image handy to check right now, but look at class 
Methods such as #openPort: should accept either integer (port number) or string
(named device) parameters (if not, grab it from a Squeak image). All changes are
in the VMs already, so there is nothing to worry about on the VMMaker side.

If you need the background on this, it's at 


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