> Tab-delimited text is very useful; I tend to see the world in terms of R 
> (http://cran.r-project.org/) data frames, even when I do not
 > plan to involve R.  HTML makes a nice way to scroll through data.
As for connecting with OpenOffice or (I can't say it<g>), I find
 > LaTeX to be much nicer to use.  It has a steep learning curve, but
the view from near the top is pretty good.

If you find LaTex has a steep learning curve I suggest you give Lyx a
try.  I write everything in either vi
or Lyx.  I use Linux but Lyx can also be found on Windows and Mac.

By the way,  when I write the external documentation (using Lyx of course) for
Squeak/Pharo packages that I write where do I put this documentation?


Ralph Boland

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