Hi Martin,

Nice project.

I noticed that you have a package FuelFameExtension. Is this done for the Fame 
meta engine? If yes, I would be interested in testing it, especially that in 
the context of Moose we do load the objects significantly more often than we 
store them :).


On 8 Dec 2010, at 17:50, Martin Dias wrote:

> Hi all
> Last months I and Tristan have been working on Fuel project, an object
> binary serialization tool. The idea is that objects are much more
> times loaded than stored, therefore it is worth to spend time while
> storing in order to have faster loading and user experience. We
> present an implementation of a pickle format that is based on
> clustering similar objects.
> There is a summary of the project below, but more complete information
> is available here: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/web/pier/software/Fuel
> The implementation still needs a lot of work to be really useful,
> optimizations should be done, but we'll be glad to get feedback of the
> community.
> = Pickle format =
> The pickle format and the serialization algorithm main idea, is
> explained in this slides:
> http://www.slideshare.net/tinchodias/fuel-serialization-in-an-example
> = Current features =
> - Class shape changing (when a variable has been added, or removed, or
> its index changed)
> - Serialize most of the basic objects.
> - Serialize (almost) any CompiledMethod
> - Detection of global or class variables
> - Support for cyclic object graphs
> - Tests
> = Next steps =
> - Improve version checking.
> - Optimize performance.
> - Serialize more kinds of objects:
> -- Class with its complete description.
> -- Method contexts
> -- Active block closures
> -- Continuation
> - Some improvements for the user:
> -- pre and post actions to be executed.
> -- easily say 'this object is singleton'.
> - Partial loading of a stored graph.
> - Fast statistics/brief info extraction of a stored graph.
> - ConfigurationOfFuel.
> - Be able to deploy materialization behavior only (independent from
> the serialization behavior)
> = Download =
> In a Pharo 1.1 or 1.1.1 evaluate:
> Gofer new
>       squeaksource: 'Fuel';
>       version: 'Fuel-MartinDias.74';
>       version: 'FuelBenchmarks-MartinDias.4';
>       load.
> = Benchmarks =
> You can run benchmarks executing this line (results in Transcript):
> FLBenchmarks newBasic run.
> Thank you!
> Martin Dias


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