Great! Let's give it a try :)


On 28 Feb 2011, at 22:58, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes I'm willing to join you to another "glamour work day" :)
> Let's say next saturday?
> best,
> Esteban
> El 27/02/2011, a las 11:36a.m., Tudor Girba escribió:
>> Hi,
>> On 27 Feb 2011, at 12:04, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>>>> - Lukas went over the WeakAnnouncements implementation to get the 
>>>>>> WeakMessageSend working. The code is in PharoTaskForces
>>>>> should we take action on this one?
>>>>> I mean integrating it.
>>>> It can be integrated, because the base code works in the same way as 
>>>> before.
>>>> Currently, the solution is implemented through a WeakAnnouncer which 
>>>> subclasses Announcer. I wanted the weak thing to be merged, because the 
>>>> clients of announcements should benefit from the Weak implementation, but 
>>>> Lukas says that he does not trust the Weak support in Pharo and that if 
>>>> you have many WeakAnnouncers it somehow does not scale.
>>> ok so ...?
>> So, we need to investigate more :). It would be cool if someone with more 
>> knowledge would take a look, too. Igor, would you have a bit of time to look 
>> into it?
>> I will probably also give it a look to see how it works in the context of 
>> Glamour. I hope that Esteban will join me again. Esteban, what do you say :)?
>>>> The problem with the current approach is that models have to take an 
>>>> explicit stand of whether they want weak or non weak when instantiating 
>>>> the announcer. Unfortunately, I do have enough technical knowledge for 
>>>> this. It would be cool if someone with better knowledge in this area would 
>>>> take a look.
>>>>>> - Lukas worked on getting OB work with the changes in TextMorph from 
>>>>>> Pharo 1.2.
>>>>>> - Adrian, Jorge and Toon worked on implementing a Debugger on top of 
>>>>>> Glamour. They got a first version working that is able to do basic 
>>>>>> actions: step, restart, step into. The challenge was to get to 
>>>>>> understand the model, and to figure out that <primitive: 19> is used for 
>>>>>> marking that a method should not be debugged. In any case, working with 
>>>>>> Glamour seemed to work quite smoothly. The code is available in the 
>>>>>> Glamorous Toolkit. Adrian, did I get it right? :)
>>>>>> - Mircea built a new widget for searching multiple categories of items 
>>>>>> in the same time, similar to spotlight where you enter one string and 
>>>>>> you get multiple hits from multiple categories. The implementation was 
>>>>>> spawned from the OBCompletionDialog / OBCompletionRequest and currently 
>>>>>> it simply provides multiple lists one below the other. The idea is to 
>>>>>> use this kind of widget to search simultaneously for classes / methods / 
>>>>>> packages. The code is available in Glamour (Glamour-Morphic-Renderer). 
>>>>>> The widget can definitely be improved visually, but Mircea already did a 
>>>>>> nice job.
>>>>> is the widget only for glamour because I think that a widget with search 
>>>>> list integrated should be used everywhere?
>>>>> We were discussing with alain to have a look at the one in OB and push 
>>>>> it/rewrite it as a core widget
>>>> Neither the OB nor the Glamour widgets depend on Glamour, so they can be 
>>>> used independently. You just need to take the Request and the Dialog 
>>>> together.
>>> ok where is the code?
>> OBCompletionDialog / OBCompletionRequest come with the OB from Pharo 1.2. 
>> The way to use it is like:
>>      OBCompletionRequest new
>>                      prompt: 'Find Class';
>>                      searchBlock: [ :string | OBCmdFindClass new 
>> findClassIn: Smalltalk pattern: string ];
>>                      labelBlock: [ :class | class name ];
>>                      iconBlock: [ :class | class browserIcon ];
>>                      signal.
>> The GLMSpotterRequest / GLMMorphicSpotterDialog are in 
>> Glamour-Morphic-Renderer. You can use them like
>>      | composite classRequest methodRequest thirdRequest |
>>      composite  := GLMSpotterRequest new.
>>      classRequest := GLMSingleSpotterRequest new 
>>                      prompt: 'Find Class';
>>                      searchBlock: [ :string | OBCmdFindClass new 
>> findClassIn: Smalltalk pattern: string ];
>>                      labelBlock: [ :class | class name ];
>>                      iconBlock: [ :class | class browserIcon ].
>>      methodRequest := GLMSingleSpotterRequest new 
>>                      prompt: 'Object Selectors';
>>                      searchBlock: [ :string | Object selectors select: [:e| 
>> string, '*' match: e asString] ];
>>                      labelBlock: [ :e | e ].
>>      thirdRequest := GLMSingleSpotterRequest new 
>>                      prompt: 'Other Selectors';
>>                      searchBlock: [ :string | Class selectors select: [:e| 
>> string, '*' match: e asString] ];
>>                      labelBlock: [ :e | e ].
>>      composite 
>>              add: classRequest;
>>              add: methodRequest;
>>              add: thirdRequest;
>>              signal
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> "Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."


"Every thing should have the right to be different."

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