I think that this is a good idea. Having the Core tools better is definitely a 
good thing.

Furthermore, the nice thing is that we can reuse the Morphic widgets in Glamour.


On 13 Mar 2011, at 11:09, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:01 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> Tudor/Ben, did you think about "rewrting" the new UI tools like Recent 
>> Messages, Finder, etc...using Glamour ?
> With Ben we are targeting removing StringHolder, so we will rewrite  some 
> tools (but not in Glamour) 
> to make sure that we can work without glamour and make sure that we can get 
> rid of StringHolder and friends. 
> In parallel if people make Glamour working well and fully then at some point 
> it could be the ide for Pharo
> but we need some fallbacks and we will be working on that with Ben.
> Stef
>> On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1000 Great initiative and most welcomed.
>> And as you said, even if you don't do most, a planing, coordination
>> and bugging people around helps as well :)
>> On 12 March 2011 08:25, Tudor Girba <tudor.gi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to promote the idea of projects in Pharo. The concept is 
>>> simple: we should build new infrastructures that go beyond small fixes and 
>>> that require the concerted work of multiple people over a longer period of 
>>> time.
>>> A project has a clear goal, and is led by someone. That someone is not 
>>> necessarily the one that writes all the code (like we might tend to do it), 
>>> but simply one that ensures that the project advances, that the different 
>>> contributions are integrated, and that things are not left at 90%.
>>> I would like to announce the Glamorous Tool project. The goal of this 
>>> project is to provide a new set of tools for developing with Pharo. It is 
>>> to be developed on top of Glamour, and it should address at least the 
>>> followings:
>>> - Coder (ex-System Browser)
>>> - Debugger
>>> - Inspector
>>> - Playground (ex-Workspace - it's not called Workspace anymore because I 
>>> would like to encourage people not to "work" there)
>>> - Chaser (senders, implementors and references)
>>> The project spans several topics. For example:
>>> - Glamour support
>>> - Morphic enhancements:
>>> --- Proper TextMorph with keybindings and context sensitiveness
>>> --- Collapsable Panes
>>> --- Scalable tabs
>>> --- Parallel rendering
>>> - Suitable models
>>> --- RPackage
>>> --- Code introspection
>>> --- Debugger model
>>> - Testing
>>> --- Because these tools are so critical, they should be robust
>>> --- OB is a good example for the testing part
>>> - Usability
>>> --- Principle: Spawning a window might be easy, but it is not effective
>>> --- Principle: Uniformity
>>> --- Principle: Less concepts are better than many
>>> - Graphic design of skins and icons
>>> - Weak announcements
>> you can make it bold (or what else you do to mark that it is done and
>> ready to be integrated :)
>>> - Performance
>>> I will lead it, and you are welcome to participate. The today sprint is a 
>>> good occasion to take a look. The current code can be found at:
>>> Gofer new
>>>       squeaksource: 'glamoroust';
>>>       package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamoroust';
>>>       load.
>>> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamoroust) perform: #loadDefault.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>> --
>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>> "Sometimes the best solution is not the best solution."
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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