Haha, .... now I see that:)
On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> I was thinking about migration from SS to SS3
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 10:16 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>> Since you mention GemStone:)
>> We have customers who have migrated repositories created 10+ years ago with 
>> our 32 bit product to the latest current version of our 64 bit product.
>> We have changed our Smalltalk class-library over the years and customers 
>> have had to upgrade their own class libraries if they chose to continue 
>> taking advantage of our newer releases ... then there are some who have 
>> chosen not to migrate: I think there are still production applications 
>> running GemStone on a version 20 years old:) ... as long as their hardware 
>> holds out they are fine:)
>> Production customers don't tend to move very fast in upgrading their 
>> hardware and software so we end up supporting older versions of oSes for 
>> quite awhile...But when the os vendor announces and end of life of an os, it 
>> becomes difficult for us to continue to support that version...
>> For the older versions we  backport critical bugfixes to the older versions 
>> as long as their are active customers (read paying maintenance dollars) 
>> using the older versions.
>> Dale
>> On 04/27/2011 10:23 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>>> squeaksource.com is down a lot. People get frustrated at times.
>>>> Yes, and unfortunately it looks like people love to be frustrated.
>>>> Otherwise people would give Tobias more feedback on SqueakSource3 (see 
>>>> [1]) which IMHO could overtake the job in the future and replace the
>>>> problematic image?
>>> I do not know.
>>> Do SS3 has a migration process?
>>> How easy is it to install on an old machine?
>>> Does gemstone run on a old mac g3?
>>> Should we install glass?
>>> I do not know.
>>> You see nothing looks simple when we want to do it.
>>>> Or is the outage a traffic problem and may
>>>> happen with SS3 too?
>>>> Is the (daily?) restart the only option we have or is a migration
>>>> to a newer SS version possible?
>>> No idea.
>>> Do you know?
>>>> And yes - SmalltalkHub is on the way, but we still dont know
>>>> how well it fits our needs/works/scales. Yes, this sounds negative but
>>>> I think it can replace Squeaksource only in a long term...
>>> we will see and learn.
>>>> Bye
>>>> T.
>>>> [1] 
>>>> http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2011-April/047780.html
>>>> --
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