
This is not great at all. Please read this before going forward.

We had this in OCompletion before and then it got changed to not use CR for a 
reason. The problem is when using fluent APIs that are best read when written 
on multiple lines. For example, suppose that I want to type something like this 
in Glamour:

        a tree 
                display: [ ... ]

After typing "a tree", the first proposed item is "treeLayout" (see the 
attached picture). If I press enter to go to the next line "tree" is replaced 
with "treeLayout" and this is not the behavior I want.

The problem is that CR has a useful meaning when typing a piece of text and 
this makes it not good as a completion character. Tab on the other hand, is 
only used in Smalltalk at the beginning of an empty line so there is no danger 
of overloading its functionality in the middle of a text.

Now, if you insist, I still believe there is a place for CR. Completion has two 
1. one in which I write and the completion offers me something, and
2. one in which I am after I press the down arrow to select some completion 

For 1. you do not want to have CR as a completion character. For 2. it is 
probably ok because you enter explicitly in a temporary mode and thus you are 
not typing anymore and this will not induce the conflict.


<<inline: example-glamour-fluent-api.png>>

On 5 May 2011, at 17:37, Thierry Lebourque wrote:

> That is really great!
> Many thanks
> 2011/5/5 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi, i just found inconvenient that for autocompletion i should press
>> tab all the time
>> while i tend to always hit enter, which instead of pasting suggestion,
>> inserts cr into text.
>> So i hacked a lil piece of code to make autocompletion to insert
>> suggested text when you pressing either tab or cr
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.


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