On 04.09.2011 20:22, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Towards better HTTP client usage
> At the last Pharo Sprint in Lille (July 8th), Stéphane and I were at one 
> point trying to remove some old HTTPSocket usage (which indirectly uses Zn) 
> and replace it with direct and clean Zn usage. We hadn't much time left and 
> didn't get very far. But I realized afterwards that although technically 
> everything was there to write good HTTP client code, it was way too difficult 
> (it required to much code on the user's behalf).
> Hence I decided to try write a new client that would support this usage much 
> better and encourage better HTTP client usage in general. Another goal of 
> this new client is to ultimately replace all other clients currently in Zn 
> (these different client are creating some confusion among users).
> ZnNeoClient (a temporary name, to be renamed to ZnClient in the future) is a 
> single object with a lot of (convenience) API to build, execute and process 
> HTTP client requests. It is somewhat similar to Gofer like classes. It is 
> also somewhat comparable to ZnHttpClient but it contains even more 
> functionality. 
> The new tests in ZnNeoClientTests show some of the ways the client can be 
> used. In the current Zn version all ZnClient class functionality as well as 
> all ZnHTTPSocketFacade (and thus HTTPSocket and thus the rest of the image) 
> has already been reimplemented using ZnNeoClient. These are good examples to 
> look at.
> At one point I plan to write some proper documentation, when the design 
> settles down a bit, but here are some examples:
> The simplest possible usage:
> ZnNeoClient new get: 'http://zn.stxfx.eu/zn/small.html'.

So… is that URL already percent encoded? If it isn't how do I specify
what encoding should be used? ;-)


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