
While trying to debug the debugger in Seaside (hi Mike) I stumbled on
something funny. Seaside the following code to work:

Semaphore forMutualExclusion critical: [
        | sender |
        sender := thisContext sender.
        sender tempAt: sender tempScopedNames size ]

But it doesn't, you get a SubscriptOutOfBounds. #tempScopedNames answers
#('mutuallyExcludedBlock' 'blockValue' 'caught'). The method arguments
(mutuallyExcludedBlock) can be found in
self tempAt: 1
the temps can be found in
self tempAt: 2

Which means that
sender tempNamed: 'blockValue'
will answer #(nil true) instead of the real value (nil). This is very

This is with the latest Pharo 1.3 and Cog .r2489


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