On 12/20/2011 01:32 AM, James Ladd wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> So this is the skinny. We've met the 
> basic requirements original discussed with Jet Brains early in 2011 for 
> Redline Smalltalk support to make it onto their roadmap.
> We need your 
> help to get it moved up. Jet Brains has a voting system where registered
>  users vote up features they want to see implemented. 
> As of today, there
>  is now one for Redline support. The next step is pretty simple...
> We need everyone to sign in with google/Yahoo or sign up for a Jet Brains 
> account and vote for Redline support.We need you to tweet about it.... to 
> email people about it.... to google + about it.
> ... to stand on the street corner talking about how the world is going to 
> come to an end unless this happens.
> This could be a big deal and your help is greatly appreciated.
> http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-79069                                

If I was JetBrains I'd be pretty pissed if I got 500 votes for this,
implemented it, and then sold only two copies because nobody voting was
actually considering buying IDEA at any point.

Don't treat this as "Do you think Smalltalk is cool?", treat this as
"Would you buy IDEA if it had this?".


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