Wishing all Pharoer's a very warm n happy new year 

Since last few weeks, I have been experimenting with Pharo as a tablet 
interface inside a tiny core Linux. The dev though happens on ubuntu. Some more 
playing around for a group of trainees with pharo on windows 7, platform I do 
not very much like.

How far is it a nice to have framework that provides for a complete UI, IDE 
like a tablet interface and behaves akin to android that has it's own AppStore, 
and application launcher in full screen on icon click.

Anyone can download the base, and proceed to download the app source, files 
archive thru an app installer, that verifies , validates and installs as well 
as creates a launcher icon ( I will provide the screenshots once I have them 
fine tuned)

Rest of ideas and process are similar to android marketplace or iStore, with 
definite controls on absolute stability and experience of the apps

Some observations i will like the veterans to clue me on forward

. I find Pharo 1.2 more stable than 1.3 latest... 

.  Is morphic capable of supporting error free runtime GUI
      I enjoy it's capabilities, but feel it demands more intrinsic Pharo, 
debugging ability to keep hacking n fixing. Crashes , damaged rectangle 
painting are just few of the troubles

      I expect a simple answer, not necessarily a longer explanation of morphic 
and it's issues with global coordinates, polling event handling which are 
nuisances. I have read thru as much of links, docs on morphic as i could find, 
little working on it, but not enough to get an expert hang of it.

. Is system browser the best to study for morphic or should I look through any 
other package..Debug n learn..

. Simple way to get an embedded submorph from it's chain by it's name, 
#subMorphNamed: does help but only in a limited way.. For those that it digs.

. Simpler way to bar extensions from a contributed older package, overriding 
base class methods, not really the final as in java but at least prevent 
overwriting methods. A listing post file in of uncompiled methods of this kind. 
Hacking in FilePackage does help.. But anything better and more complete...and 
part of a base system.

. Mechanism to autosave a defined package every method commit to a 
packagename.mcz by default to ease crash recovery, use monticello only when I 
need to version it as a done base.

. Event handling of mouseLeave mouseEnter of a PluggableTextMorph, the on:send: 
did not work, not that I have dug into it... But would like to link it to the 
models methods directly in the builder method interface like we do for 
PluggableButtonMorph click....

. Color of a morph is not updated when selecting it thru the halo. Minor hack i 
have here, to get thru.

. Why is extent attribute not updated when we use addMorph:fullFrame:  which 
changes the bounds for the submorphs in some cases at least as i have noticed 
in debug step thru.

. What are clear do not do rules in using morphic framework as it exists today, 
as people have already experienced and attempted.

. Debugger stepping through has most times an out of step highlighting. Any fix 
on this..

. Settings window seems to have glitches in network settings, font updates from 

. Autocompletion in windows seems to work on cr, but in Linux you have to type 

. The easiest way to have a core Pharo runtime image stripped of all dev tools, 
classes, size is not the limitation here, but stable n bug free base is a must.

. Tools n tips to make Pharo base with its loaded apps crash proof, just 
isolate and close the app that causes the problem rest of the image should 
continue to run.

issue not directly related:
.  Windows support for OSProcess, i have read the threads and the note from 
Eliot that it works on windows for cadence, but I cannot get it to work, the 
ProcessWrapper works but is limited. If I do get it working does it support 
interactive shell, viz i invoke a command that enters into it's own loop of 
inputs n output till you send a quit.

Lots more i will come up with in the next couple of weeks as I bring out what i 

Sudhakar krishnamachari

Extn 91-40403012
Cell 9902104814

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