Hi Andreas,

>you are always writing "Smalltalk IDE". Which Smalltalk variants do you know? 
>Squeak and Pharo are not the only ones. There >are some others, some 
>commercial and some free.
>If you haven't any experiences with them yet you should at least have a look 
>at them.

I have looked at Squeak, Pharo, Dolphin, VisualWorks, and VA. I am 
generalizing, because they all have the things that I find problematic. I also 
looked at GNU, but I don't like the whole GNU license thing very much. The one 
that comes the closest to what I'm thinking about is something called Smalltalk 
XY (not Smalltalk/X), but it is no longer maintained. I am more than happy to 
learn. Are there any others I should check out?


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