On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some problems with memory consumption in a Moose model.
> However, I do not quite know where the memory is spent.
Even if it is not 100% about YOUR object graph, maybe space tally helps you?
Once you have the graph, evaluate:

SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis

and then see the file 'STspace.text'. That may give you an idea of what is
going on.

> To solve this, I would need to know the amount of space occupied by
> the objects (and all the referenced objects subgraphs).
> I found Object>>sizeInMemory, but this only shows the size of the
> current object. What I would need is a graph traversal that does not
> break on cyclic graphs, and that accumulates the size of the objects.

Exactly. Notice also that #sizeInMemory is buggy since it does not take
into account padding: 'a' sizeInMemory -> 5  but it actually should be 8.
There is a method in the VM which answers the exact size...I wonder why we
cannot expose that as a primitive....

> I thought of using Fuel for this. I tried to follow the instructions from
> here:
> http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/web/pier/software/Fuel/Version1.8/Documentation/Debugging
> and work with the debug facilities:
> (ConfigurationOfFuel project version: '1.8') load: #(FuelDebug).
> For small examples, it seems to work fine:
> FLAnalyzer newDefault setDebug; analysisFor: #((1) (2) (3) (4))
> However, for larger examples, the process takes forever.
Yes, it is not useful, because Fuel format has nothing to do.

> Is there another way of approaching this problem?
Here I attach a quick/simple graph traversal.
Just subclass and implement #doInterception:



Attachment: GraphTraverser.st
Description: Binary data

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