>and i am not really happy with that. I prefer having 9 methods in Object >than 
>9*100 methods in many classes.

What about having just one single method on Object called #externalCaller (or 
just #external) that returns an object understanding the 
callout protocol.

  self externalCaller call: 'whatever'

This wont overload Object but may require some fiddling since
"thisContext sender" is used.

I also dislike the "namespacing" using "nb" in the selectors.
What if you rename or replace the project in the future? 

I would have to rename my methods from ffiCall: to alienCall:
to nbCall: ... ;)

Yes I know it is a different interface protocol from FFI to
NativeBoost - but still nobody is interested that the 
subproject is called FFI/Alien/NativeBoost once it is 
integrated in standard Pharo. 

You just want to do an external call like in any other 
language and you are just interested that it works
reliable and easy.

And I would vote for a simple pragma <externalCall> 
instead of 

   <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module: #NativeBoostPlugin>

Sorry for all the wished ... but Christmas is near ...

BTW: I marked 1.6 as release
              1.7 as stable 
              1.8 as new development in the config

We can also mark 1.7 as release since there was an official
announcement from Igor. Version 1.8 should get new developments.



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