I think I know what you might mean Phil, I've seen this myself:

If you enter a username but no password for a repository (like the snippet from 
ss3 shows) then MC will prompt for username and pw. If you remove the username 
(empty string), you'll be fine.

Not terribly bad but quite annoying.


On 19.02.2013, at 23:11, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I cannot reproduce this on the latest pharo image....
> I added it as a MCGemstoneRepository with the full url and it works...
> MCGemstoneRepository
>       location: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/HO-Experiments'
>       user: ''
>       password: ''
> I can browse and load files. Can you give me more details?
> On 2013-02-19, at 21:51, "p...@highoctane.be" <p...@highoctane.be> wrote:
>> Got this thing biting me while testing the relase:
>> I added a project of mine from the ss3.gemstone.com system and the
>> Monticello registration over there says:
>> MCHttpRepository
>>   location: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/HO-Experiments'
>>   user: 'PBK'
>>   password: ''
>> I add that into Pharo as a ss3 repository.
>> There I am asked for:
>> MCGemstoneRepository
>>      location: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/'
>>      user: ''
>>      password: ''
>> I didn't noticed the MCGemstoneRepository instead of MCHttpRepository
>> and copy/pasted as usual.
>> Then, error.
>> Took a minute to see why and get my mcz back.
>> So, either SS3 has to change the registration information or Pharo
>> does something weird with SS3. I don't know.
>> Guess I need to put things in SmalltalkHub :-)
>> Phil

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