On 18 April 2013 19:17, Nicolas Cellier
<nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure, typical refactoring process.
> Code is convoluted and hard to follow, so you first document and explicit
> most obscure steps.
> In a second time, you realize how simpler it could be...
> Pharo is quite fast and still accelerating these days, so I understand the
> "satisfecit", it's already huge progress.
> My unsatisfied nature just tell to not stop in the middle of the bridge, and
> to not let un-necessarily complex code, even if well commented :)
Opal is there we all can start contributing.
I, for instance, have plans for replacing parsing.. to make modular
parser & encoder

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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