Not really impressive (that's why it called new wave)

Here is results of 2 days of preparing/implementing and polishing a
quadric bezier curve approximation
algorithm by series of lines.

The red pill.. err fill is polygon consisting purely from lines,
the white outline is same quadric bezier, but drawn directly by cairo
with stroke width = 5.

Cubic bezier , then elliptical arc and then generic parametric
functions ahead! :)

There is two reasons why i implementing highly inefficient (because of
boxed floats)
path flattener:
 - some path segments are not supported by cairo, therefore i am
forced to approximate it with something else (and something else is
lines ;)
 - having path geometry turned into silly polygon, there is very easy
algorithm to tell if given point inside or outside of polygon

so, potentially, this will give use following:
 - being able to use any kind of curves as path segments (well, it
could be a bit slow, but it is up to you, right?) e.g. something like:
         lineTo: 50@50;
         parametricCurve: [:t | t sin * t squared ] tMin: 0 tMax: 10 to: 20@30

 - being able to detect whether mouse hovers over shape or not  :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

<<attachment: Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 10.43.07 PM.png>>

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