ID:               46478
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      for-bugs at hnw dot jp
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Analyzed
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      moriyoshi
 New Comment:

I think this is a bug, but correcting the table should break BC too. 

Previous Comments:

[2008-11-04 12:56:40] for-bugs at hnw dot jp

ext/standard/html.c has incorrect mapping table which htmlentities()

html.c is based on, but this
mapping table is obsolete and not compatible with HTML4.0 or XHTML1.0.
For example, U+2235(which is encoded to "\xe2\x88\xb5" with UTF-8) is
not in, but
htmlentities() returns "∵".

U+226A(≪) and U+226B(≫) are similler case.

Reproduce code:
<?php var_dump(htmlentities("\xe2\x88\xb5", ENT_QUOTES, "utf-8"));

Expected result:
string(3) "æ"

Actual result:
string(8) "&becaus;"


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