From:             mbeccati
Operating system: FreeBSD 6.2
PHP version:      5.3.3RC3
Package:          Reproducible crash
Bug Type:         Bug
Bug description:"zend_mm_heap corrupted" error

A few things:

* It happens when running a specific "simpletest" integration test 

* It doesn't always happen, roughly 33-50% of the times

* Never happened with 5.3.2, I got a report from Bamboo as soon as I
upgraded to 5.3.3RC3

Of course I can't get a simple reproduce script as the aforementioned test
does tons of things, but of course I can provide more information, SSH
access, or try anything I'm asked to.

Test script:

Expected result:
No failure

Actual result:
zend_mm_heap corrupted exit message, with the following backtrace

#0  0x000000000079f25b in zval_scan (pz=0x3b31970) at

        p = (Bucket *) 0x3661108

#1  0x000000000079f6b9 in gc_collect_cycles () at

        p = (zval_gc_info *) 0xee5ee0

        q = (zval_gc_info *) 0x0

        orig_free_list = (zval_gc_info *) 0x7fffffffc6e0

        orig_next_to_free = (zval_gc_info *) 0x211ef18

        count = 0

#2  0x000000000079fbd8 in gc_zval_possible_root (zv=0x33588b0) at

        newRoot = (gc_root_buffer *) 0x3627830

#3  0x00000000007a4fde in zend_assign_to_object (result=0x211ef18,
object_ptr=0xe567a0, property_name=0x211ef60, value_op=0x211efb0,
Ts=0x113b228, opcode=136) at

        object = (zval *) 0x3632b70

        free_value = {var = 0x113b701}

        value = (zval *) 0x33588b0

        retval = (zval **) 0x113b6e0

(execute_data=0x113b190) at zend_vm_execute.h:17645

        opline = (zend_op *) 0x0

#5  0x00000000007a65f9 in execute (op_array=0x2119968) at

        ret = 0

        execute_data = (zend_execute_data *) 0x113b190

        nested = 1 '\001'

        original_in_execution = 1 '\001'

#6  0x0000000000777d94 in zend_call_function (fci=0x7fffffffc970,
fci_cache=0x0) at

        call_via_handler = 34934168

        i = 18062328

        original_return_value = (zval **) 0x1139bf8

        calling_symbol_table = (HashTable *) 0x0

        original_op_array = (zend_op_array *) 0x2150d98

        original_opline_ptr = (zend_op **) 0x1139f28

        current_scope = (zend_class_entry *) 0x2118528

        current_called_scope = (zend_class_entry *) 0x2104658

        calling_scope = (zend_class_entry *) 0x2104658

        called_scope = (zend_class_entry *) 0x2104658

        current_this = (zval *) 0x30c9840

        execute_data = {opline = 0x0, function_state = {function =
0x2109b78, arguments = 0x113a068}, fbc = 0x0, called_scope = 0x0, op_array
= 0x0, object = 0x3632b70, Ts = 0x1139fe0, CVs = 0x1139fc0, symbol_table =

  prev_execute_data = 0x1139f28, old_error_reporting = 0x0, nested = 1
'\001', original_return_value = 0x2104658, current_scope = 0x30c9840,
current_called_scope = 0x0, current_this = 0x0, current_object = 0x0,
call_opline = 0x1139fc8}

#7  0x0000000000728986 in xml_call_handler (parser=0x2f77938,
handler=0x3356688, function_ptr=0x3627830, argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffca50) at

        args = (zval ***) 0x2f7e210

        retval = (zval *) 0x0

        result = -13744

        fci = {size = 72, function_table = 0xe58180, function_name =
0x3356688, symbol_table = 0x0, retval_ptr_ptr = 0x7fffffffc968, param_count
= 3, params = 0x2f7e210, object_ptr = 0x3632b70, no_separation = 0 '\0'}

        i = 3

#8  0x000000000072926a in _xml_startElementHandler (userData=0x2f77938,
name=0x11fa8c0 "plugin", attributes=0x0) at

        attrs = (const char **) 0x0

        att = 0x0

        val = 0x11fa8c0 "plugin"

        val_len = 0

        retval = (zval *) 0x821ae6ce

        args = {0x37ba0f0, 0x3359b18, 0x37ba450}

#9  0x000000000072b56e in _start_element_handler (user=0x2d40860,
name=0x11fa8c0 "plugin", attributes=0x0) at

        qualified_name = (xmlChar *) 0x11fa8c0 "plugin"

#10 0x00000000820fa26a in xmlParseStartTag () from

No symbol table info available.

#11 0x00000000820ff102 in xmlParseTryOrFinish () from

No symbol table info available.

#12 0x00000000821004ab in xmlParseChunk () from

No symbol table info available.

#13 0x000000000072c00d in php_XML_Parse (parser=0x2d40860, data=0x3540020
"", data_len=56784944, is_final=0) at

        error = 0

#14 0x000000000072a963 in zif_xml_parse (ht=62069104,
return_value=0x374c980, return_value_ptr=0x3627830, this_ptr=0x0,
return_value_used=0) at

        parser = (xml_parser *) 0x2f77938

        pind = (zval *) 0x374ccf0

        data = 0x3356e18 "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"
?>\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"\"?>\n\n<plugin>\n   
<creationDate>2010-06-10</creationDate>\n    <author"...

        data_len = 1075

        ret = 0

        isFinal = 1

#15 0x00000000007a7100 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC
(execute_data=0x1139f28) at zend_vm_execute.h:316

        i = 3

        p = (zval **) 0x113a048

        arg_count = 0

        opline = (zend_op *) 0x213f2b8

        should_change_scope = 0 '\0'

#16 0x00000000007a65f9 in execute (op_array=0x2150d98) at

        ret = 0

        execute_data = (zend_execute_data *) 0x1139f28

        nested = 1 '\001'

        original_in_execution = 0 '\0'

#17 0x0000000000785675 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
file_count=3) at /array1/compile/php-5.3.3RC3-fcgi/Zend/zend.c:1194

        files = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area =
0x7fffffffcf30, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffce40}}

        i = 1

        file_handle = (zend_file_handle *) 0x7fffffffe850

        orig_op_array = (zend_op_array *) 0x0

        orig_retval_ptr_ptr = (zval **) 0x0

#18 0x0000000000735158 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0x7fffffffe850)
at /array1/compile/php-5.3.3RC3-fcgi/main/main.c:2260

        realfile =
'\0' <repeats 13 times>,
'\0' <repeats 14 times>,

        prepend_file_p = (zend_file_handle *) 0x0

        append_file_p = (zend_file_handle *) 0x0

        prepend_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0,
opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {handle = 0x0,
isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle =
0x0, old_closer = 0},

      reader = 0, fsizer = 0, closer = 0}}, free_filename = 0 '\0'}

        append_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0,
opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {handle = 0x0,
isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle =
0x0, old_closer = 0},

      reader = 0, fsizer = 0, closer = 0}}, free_filename = 0 '\0'}

        old_cwd = 0x7fffffffcf40 ""

        retval = 0

#19 0x00000000008099fb in main (argc=9, argv=0x7fffffffe948) at

        len = 140737488348832

        argn = (zval *) 0x80de6600

        input = 0x0

        index = 9

        argi = (zval *) 0x80ee0030

        exit_status = 0

        c = 0

        file_handle = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_MAPPED, filename = 0x7fffffffeb75
"run.php", opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 15152376, fp = 0xe734f8,
stream = {handle = 0xe734f8, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 5351, pos = 0, map =

        buf = 0x80df4000 <Address 0x80df4000 out of bounds>, old_handle =
0x8270d840, old_closer = 0x797cd0 <zend_stream_stdio_closer>}, reader =
0x797cb0 <zend_stream_stdio_reader>, fsizer = 0x797cf0

      closer = 0x797d50 <zend_stream_mmap_closer>}}, free_filename = 0

        behavior = 1

        reflection_what = 0x0

        orig_optind = 1

        orig_optarg = 0x0

        arg_free = 0x7fffffffeb75 "run.php"

        arg_excp = (char **) 0x3540020

        script_file = 0x7fffffffeb75 "run.php"

        interactive = 0

        module_started = 1

        request_started = 1

        lineno = 1

        exec_direct = 0x0

        exec_run = 0x0

        exec_begin = 0x0

        exec_end = 0x0

        param_error = 0x0

        hide_argv = 0

        ini_entries_len = -6496

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.2):   
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):   
Try a snapshot (trunk):     
Fixed in SVN:               
Fixed in SVN and need be documented:
Fixed in release:           
Need backtrace:             
Need Reproduce Script:      
Try newer version:          
Not developer issue:        
Expected behavior:          
Not enough info:            
Submitted twice:            
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:          
IIS Stability:              
Install GNU Sed:            
Floating point limitations: 
No Zend Extensions:         
MySQL Configuration Error:  

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