Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60196&edit=1

 ID:                 60196
 User updated by:    martin at psinas dot com
 Reported by:        martin at psinas dot com
 Summary:            Session Upload Progress - doesn't work
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Closed
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Session related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 10.04 / Apache2
 PHP Version:        5.4.0beta2
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I believe my installation was not configured correctly. I re-installed 5.4 
following the instructions of a friend and everything worked.

Previous Comments:
[2011-12-17 19:06:35] crmalibu at gmail dot com

This seems like expected behavior if session.upload_progress.cleanup = On, 
which is default. By the time his var_dump() script executes(even with a huge 
file), the upload is finished, and cleanup has already occurred. 

Even though the setting is documented here
I feel strongly it needs to be mentioned here too, or you will get swarmed with 
bogus bug reports soon when this feature goes live.

[2011-11-02 08:51:08] martin at psinas dot com

How do you define "huge"? I've modified the form to contain 8 fields instead of 
2, and in each field I'm uploading the php-5.4.0beta2.tar.gz (13.6 MB * 8). The 
form hangs for a few seconds while loading, then I get the empty array.

[2011-11-02 03:18:05] larue...@php.net

plz use a huge size file to test.

[2011-11-01 23:34:07] martin at psinas dot com

Trying to test this new feature documented here:

Can't seem to get it working.

Test script:
// form.php
<form action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo ini_get("session.upload_progress.name"); 
?>" value="123" />
<input type="file" name="file1" />
<input type="file" name="file2" />
<input type="submit" />

// upload.php

Expected result:
I expect the following session values to be populated:

$_SESSION["upload_progress_123"] = array(
 "start_time" => 1234567890,   // The request time
 "content_length" => 57343257, // POST content length
 "bytes_processed" => 453489,  // Amount of bytes received and processed
 "done" => false,              // true when the POST handler has finished, 
successfully or not
 "files" => array(
  0 => array(
   "field_name" => "file1",       // Name of the <input/> field
   // The following 3 elements equals those in $_FILES
   "name" => "foo.avi",
   "tmp_name" => "/tmp/phpxxxxxx",
   "error" => 0,
   "done" => true,                // True when the POST handler has finished 
handling this file
   "start_time" => 1234567890,    // When this file has started to be processed
   "bytes_processed" => 57343250, // Amount of bytes received and processed for 
this file
  // An other file, not finished uploading, in the same request
  1 => array(
   "field_name" => "file2",
   "name" => "bar.avi",
   "tmp_name" => NULL,
   "error" => 0,
   "done" => false,
   "start_time" => 1234567899,
   "bytes_processed" => 54554,

Actual result:
I get this:

array(0) {}


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60196&edit=1

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