Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65647&edit=1

 ID:                 65647
 User updated by:    piotr dot m at shwrm dot com
 Reported by:        piotr dot m at shwrm dot com
 Summary:            @list call behaves incorrectly and may cause
                     Segmentation fault (11)
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *General Issues
 Operating System:   Linux / Ubuntu 13.04
 PHP Version:        5.5.3
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

No, the problem does not seem to persit when run in CLI mode. The code behaves 
exactly as it should.

Here's a var_dump(get_loaded_extensions()): 
  0 => string 'Core' (length=4)
  1 => string 'date' (length=4)
  2 => string 'ereg' (length=4)
  3 => string 'libxml' (length=6)
  4 => string 'openssl' (length=7)
  5 => string 'pcre' (length=4)
  6 => string 'zlib' (length=4)
  7 => string 'bcmath' (length=6)
  8 => string 'bz2' (length=3)
  9 => string 'calendar' (length=8)
  10 => string 'ctype' (length=5)
  11 => string 'dba' (length=3)
  12 => string 'dom' (length=3)
  13 => string 'hash' (length=4)
  14 => string 'fileinfo' (length=8)
  15 => string 'filter' (length=6)
  16 => string 'ftp' (length=3)
  17 => string 'gettext' (length=7)
  18 => string 'SPL' (length=3)
  19 => string 'iconv' (length=5)
  20 => string 'json' (length=4)
  21 => string 'mbstring' (length=8)
  22 => string 'session' (length=7)
  23 => string 'standard' (length=8)
  24 => string 'posix' (length=5)
  25 => string 'Reflection' (length=10)
  26 => string 'Phar' (length=4)
  27 => string 'shmop' (length=5)
  28 => string 'SimpleXML' (length=9)
  29 => string 'soap' (length=4)
  30 => string 'sockets' (length=7)
  31 => string 'exif' (length=4)
  32 => string 'sysvmsg' (length=7)
  33 => string 'sysvsem' (length=7)
  34 => string 'sysvshm' (length=7)
  35 => string 'tokenizer' (length=9)
  36 => string 'wddx' (length=4)
  37 => string 'xml' (length=3)
  38 => string 'xmlreader' (length=9)
  39 => string 'xmlwriter' (length=9)
  40 => string 'zip' (length=3)
  41 => string 'apache2handler' (length=14)
  42 => string 'PDO' (length=3)
  43 => string 'curl' (length=4)
  44 => string 'imap' (length=4)
  45 => string 'memcached' (length=9)
  46 => string 'pdo_pgsql' (length=9)
  47 => string 'pgsql' (length=5)
  48 => string 'readline' (length=8)
  49 => string 'redis' (length=5)
  50 => string 'mhash' (length=5)
  51 => string 'Zend OPcache' (length=12)
  52 => string 'xdebug' (length=6)

Unfortunately the coredump does not get created - any ideas on how i might 
force the generation of one?

Previous Comments:
[2013-09-10 09:52:06] leight+bugs dot php at gmail dot com

Unable to reproduce with 5.5.3 or 5.6.0-dev on Debian 7 or OSX using PHP CLI 
(unable to test with Apache at present).

Piotr do you get the same results using the CLI? What other modules do you have 

A backtrace of the coredump might also be useful.

[2013-09-10 09:21:08] piotr dot m at shwrm dot com

Call to @list on an array returned by function_get_args() will incorrectly fill 
variables (only last one is filled) 80% of the time and will cause a 
Segmentation fault (11) on the other 20%.

PHP 5.5.3 run on Apache 2.2.22

Test script:
function a() {
        $opts = func_get_args();
        @list($a, $b, $c) = $opts;
        var_dump($a, $b, $c);

a('1','22', '333');

Expected result:
string '1' (length=1)

string '22' (length=2)

string '333' (length=3)

Actual result:


string '333' (length=3)

Or segfault:
[Tue Sep 10 10:57:46 2013] [notice] child pid 32315 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11), possible coredump in /etc/apache2


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65647&edit=1

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