Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65999&edit=1

 ID:                 65999
 Comment by:         gg at ez dot no
 Reported by:        giunta dot gaetano at gmail dot com
 Summary:            autoloading of aliased namespaced classes fails when
                     including twice a file
 Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *General Issues
 Operating System:   win7 64bit
 PHP Version:        5.4.21
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

OK - but then maybe this could be made more clear in the docs?

Previous Comments:
[2013-10-31 16:11:11] ni...@php.net

String class names must always be fully qualified, i.e. if you need to write 
class_exists('A\B\C'). Namespace aliases don't work in strings.

If you are using PHP 5.5 you can alternatively write class_exists(A::class).

[2013-10-30 16:45:05] gg at ez dot no

...and apparently it has nothing to do with re-including the original file (my 

[2013-10-30 16:42:50] gg at ez dot no

Here's a test file with a somewhat odd result:


use A\B\C as A;

if (!isset($alreadyIncluded)) {
    $alreadyIncluded = true;
        include __FILE__;
} else {
    class_exists( 'A' ); // 'A'
    new A; // 'A\B\C'

[2013-10-30 16:37:15] giunta dot gaetano at gmail dot com

You are correct, the provided test file has no problems.
The error I have is with a slightly more complex setup - a composer-generated 
autoloader class.
I will try to reproduce the error with a minimal setup...

[2013-10-30 14:48:28] ni...@php.net

Could you please provide a short reproduce script for your issue? I tried the 
following code, which autoloaded 'A\B\C', not 'D':

use A\B\C as D;

if (!isset($alreadyIncluded)) {
        $alreadyIncluded = true;
        include __FILE__;
} else {
        new D;


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the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65999&edit=1

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