ID:               17826
 Comment by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 Assigned To:      edink
 New Comment:


Despite having done exactly what is explained in "[23 Oct 8:52pm]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in this bug list, I still have "cannot load
php4apache2.dll into server - The specified procedure cannot be found".

Versions of apache and php are the same. The only thing is that I'm
using Windows XP Pro SP1 with all windows updates... Download of
 was made today (buggy version?)
What's wrong???
Do I have to put php4ts.dll into the register datas???
DO I miss any specific XP Pro procedure?
I spent 3 hours on this and it still doesn't work.
Urgent help needed plz.
Thanks in advance.

Previous Comments:

[2002-12-07 11:18:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I use the SAPI DLL for PHP on W2K and Apache 2.0.43, I get
nothing. :(

No errors anywhere I can see, but also no php processing. I know it's
'supposed' to be buggy, but I get nothing - not even an error.

I can load a .php page, but everything between the <?php and ?> shows
up in
the page source.

If I use php-cgi.exe instead of php4apache2.dll, my pages work. But I
an urgent need for the virtual() function and this only works in the
version of php.

Using apache -k start there are no errors. There are also no errors in
error.log. I've set php.ini to report errors, but there aren't ever

Anyone got an idea? My httpd.conf contains:

LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
#AddModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml .php .php3 .php4 .html

I've commented out the AddModule line for 2 reasons. One is that I have
module called mod_php4.c - the other reason is that the docs say that
not required in the newer versions of Apache, especially Apache 2.

Bob Kramer


[2002-11-13 06:51:20] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you

The post:
[11 Oct 2:17pm] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
did the trick for me. I had some problems that are explained at the page (read the mcdragon posts in

The trick with the latest (stable) snaps worked. I used the
php4apache2.dll and the php4ts.dll
Interesting! I took the PHP download and the SNAP in the same day and
the first had the modified date at the begin of sept 2002 and the snap
had november 13th 2002 (TODAY).

In any case, thanks KRONUZ for the great help :-)))))))


[2002-11-10 17:51:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FYI - The files referenced above are back online.  Thanks, imajes, for
your quick response!


[2002-11-10 13:28:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

snaps has moved server, and win32 snaps haven't been uploaded yet.

please bear with us as we fix this.



[2002-11-10 13:16:51] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I appreciate all the information posted on this bug, but does anyone
know what's wrong with  I can't download the file that's
referenced above,

Does anyone have any information on what's going on with


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